Monday, February 17, 2014

History Repeating - Central African Republic

 File:Flag of the Central African Republic.svg

 So I happened to be reading the news in Spanish, which I do from time to time, and I happened upon the CNN Mexico world page, where one of the headlines is about the current perilous situation in the CAR, Central African Republic, and how it is looming on the brink of ethnic cleansing, a huge humanitarian crisis, basically (not disregarding cultural, historical, and regional differences, mind you) another Rwanda, specifically in the sense that the international community seems to be taking a back seat although they need to act!!! When will we ever learn?? I was quite dissapointed and yet not surprised at all when I went to the main CNN world page to compare and what did I find? Not a single mention of the CAR crisis. Hardly anything on Africa, actually......

Check out the below links for more information. I apologize to those of you who don't speak Spanish, as I already said, CNN doesn't seem to find the topic pertinent enough for Americans to read about today.

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